研究方向:电力电子电能变换与控制技术研究及 应用于:新能源发电、电池储能、机器人电机控制等
(1) 海上风力发电:大功率风机主控、风电并网主动支撑;
(2) 电池储能技术:电池机理建模与状态评估、电池热失控预警与安全管理;
(3) 综合能源系统:源网荷储多端口能量路由技术、多台区柔性直流互联,微电网能量管理;
(4) 机器人电机控制:永磁同步电机驱动技术、机电集成动力单元电-热-磁兼容。
(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51977163/E0706,“六端口三相滤波器的有源实现及其稳定、可靠运行关键技术研究”, 2020.01-2023.12,63万。
(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51777146/E0706,“高性能功率变换器DC-Link电容模组关键技术研究”, 2018.01-2021.12,61万。
(3) 国家工信部大型邮轮重点项目子课题,“上层建筑结构变形影响电气因素分析”,2018.01-2021.12,100万。
(4) 国家自然科学青年基金,51107092/E070602,“燃料电池供电系统低频纹波抑制技术研究”,2012.01-2014.12,26万元,结题优秀。
(5) 中船重工集团722研究所国家重点实验室开放基金,“大功率单相低频电源间谐波抑制技术研究”,2018.05-2019.04,10万,结题优秀。
(6) 中国电力科学研究院国家重点实验室开放基金项目,“电力电子装置运行可靠性及故障演化机理”,2017.04-2018.04,17万。
(7) 国防863子课题,某系统建模与仿真,2017.04-2018.06,47.5万,已结题。
(8) 湖北省重大科技创新计划项目,“高性能大功率起重专用变频器”, 2014.1-2016.12,15万元。
(9) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2012M511693,“消除分布式电源并网系统中低频纹波的策略研究”,2012.05-2014.05,5万元。
(10)湖北省科技攻关项目,2011FAA009,“电动汽车磷酸铁锂离子动力电池管理系统”, 2011.09-2013.09,100万元。
(1) 大型内河新能源船舶动力电池安全管理与综合电力系统安全高效优化运行控制关键技术,2022.12-2024.12,400万;
(2) 面向大功率海上风电主控系统的半实物实时测试关键技术研究与平台构建,三峡智控科技有限公司,2022.07-2024.07,239万;
(3) 安阳地区新能源规划与消纳监测预警试点示范,河南省电网,2022.06- 2023.06,146.7万;
(4) 某军工横向项目,202111HX39 ,2021.07-2022.08,103万;
(5) 锂离子电池SOC估算及热仿真技术研究,阳光电源集团有限公司,2022.05-2023.05,45万;
(6) 储能站智能消防安全管理策略模型研究,浙江宁波电网公司,2022.01- 2022.12,30万;
(7) 230M专网无线通信干扰源感知识别及定位装置设计,2021.10-2022.10,32.55万;
(8) “端边网运智”数字赋能应用及生态拓展研究,2020.10-2021.12,75.58万;
(9) 船用电池Pack制作/测试工艺标准研究,武汉长海高新技术有限公司, 2020.01-2021.12,25万;
(16) kW单相并网逆变器无电解电容功率解耦设计与系统评估,2017.10- 2018.09,15.3万;
(17)无线能量传输在3.3kW电动汽车充电系统研究设计开发协议,2017.05- 2018.02,20万;
(1) 朱国荣,陆江华,任意高阶谐振电路的通用模型及建模方法,2022,中国专利,ZL201811179868.7
(2) 朱国荣,陆江华,无线电能传输系统中双边LCC补偿电路的参数分析方法,2021,中国专利,ZL201811179861.5
(3) 朱国荣,杨双成,硬壳锂电池极柱与连接片的冷连接方法,2021,中国专利,ZL202110697575.3
(4) 朱国荣,曾定军,基于寿命模型参数波动的精确评估IGBT可靠性的方法,2021,中国专利,ZL201711007745.0
(5) 朱国荣,胡一豪,黎明,陆江华,一种恒流恒压无缝切换的感应电能传输系统,2020,中国专利,ZL201810997500.5
(6) 朱国荣,胡一豪,寿亚涛,陆江华,一种变匝间距平面螺旋线圈,2019,中国专利,ZL201810955548.X
(7) 朱国荣,王金,陆江华,黄云辉,基于恒流源的简易幼苗生长记录仪,2019.03.19,中国专利,ZL201610735517.4
(8) 朱国荣,黎文静,陆江华,李博,一种磁耦合无线能量传输装置的双面不对称线圈,2019.03.19,中国专利,ZL2016****3511.5
(9) 朱国荣,贾舒然,彭俊然,彭业昌,一种基于BP神经网络的多峰值光伏MPPT方法,2018-01-12,中国专利,ZL201510784252.2
[1] Jianghua Lu, Guorong Zhu, and Chris Mi, "Foreign object detection in wireless power transfer systems" IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,2022,58(1): 1340 - 1354
[2] Haoran Wang, Shili Huang, K. Dinesh, Guorong Zhu* and Huai Wang. “Lifetime Prediction of DC-link Capacitors in Multiple Drives System Based on Simplified Analytical Modeling", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, 36(1): 844 - 860.
[3] Zhixuan Wu, Guorong Zhu, Qian Wang , Shengjie Yang , Jing V. Wang and Jianqiang Kang, Study on Adaptive Cycle Life Extension Method of Li-Ion Battery Based on Differential Thermal Voltammetry Parameter Decoupling,Energies, 2021, 14(19):1-15
[4] Haoran Wang, Cunzhong Li, Guorong Zhu* and Huai Wang. “Model based Design and Optimization of Hybrid DC-link Capacitor Banks”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2020, 35(9): 8910 - 8925
[5] Ren L C, Zhu G R, Kang J Q, et al. An algorithm for state of charge estimation based on a single-particle model[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2021, 39:102644.
[6] Lichao Ren; Guorong Zhu*; Jing V Wang; Bingyang Luo; Jianqiang Kang. “Comparison of Robustness of Different State of Charge Estimation Algorithms”. Journal of Power Sources. 2020,478,228767.
[7] H. Wang, H. Wang, G. Zhu and F. Blaabjerg, "An Overview of Capacitive DC Links - Topology Derivation and Scalability Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 2020, 35(2):1805-1829
[8] Yi Liu, Huai Wang, Meng Huang, Xiaoming Zha, Guorong Zhu, “Simplified Power Loss Model for Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors in Single-Phase Inverters”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 2020, 35(5): 4452-4456.
[9] Jianghua Lu, Guorong Zhu, Deyan Lin, Yiming Zhang, Jin Jiang and Chris Mi, "Unified Load-Independent ZPA Analysis and Design in CC and CV Modes of Higher-Order Resonant Circuits for WPT Systems," IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification,2019, 5(4): 977-987
[10]Jianghua Lu, Guorong Zhu, Deyan Lin, Yiming Zhang, Haoran Wang, and Chris Mi. “Realizing Constant Current and Constant Voltage Outputs and Input Zero Phase Angle of Wireless Power Transfer Systems with Minimum Component Counts,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2020.2985658, 2020:1-11
[11]Li Gu, John Yupeng Gui, Jing V. Wang, Guorong Zhu, and Jianqiang Kang, “Parameterized evaluation of thermal characteristics for a lithium-ion battery,” Energy, vol.178, pp. 21-32, July 1 2019.
[12]X. Wei, C. Li, M. Qi, B. Luo, X. Deng, and G. Zhu, “Research on Harmonic Current Amplification Effect of Parallel APF Compensating Voltage Source Nonlinear Load,” Energies, 2019,12(16): 3070-3079.
[13]Jianghua Lu, Guo-Rong Zhu, Deyan Lin, S. C. Wong, and Jin Jiang. “Load-independent Voltage and Current Transfer Characteristics of High-order Resonant Network in IPT System,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2019, 7(1):422-436.
[14]Jianghua Lu, Guorong Zhu, Huai Wang, Jin Jiang, Fei Lu, and Chris Mi. “Sensitivity analysis of inductive power transfer systems with voltage-fed compensation topologies” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018.
[15]Zhu, Guo-Rong,Wang, Haoran,Liang, Biao,Tan, Siew-Chong,Jiang,Jin,Enhanced Single-Phase Full-Bridge Inverter With Minimal Low-Frequency Current Ripple,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2016.2.01,63(2):937~943.
[16]Li, Sinan,Guo-Rong Zhu,Tan, Siew-Chong,Hui, S. Y. Ron, Direct AC/DC Rectifier with Mitigated Low-Frequency Ripple Through Inductor-Current Waveform Control,IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2015.01.01,30(8):4336~4348.
[17]Guo-Rong Zhu,Siew-Chong Tan,Yu Chen,C. K. Tse,Mitigation of low-frequency current ripple in fuel-cell inverter systems through waveform control,IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2013.01.01,28(2):779~792.
[18]Guo-Rong Zhu,K. H. Loo,Y. M. Lai,Chi K. Tse,Quasi-Maximum Efficiency Point Tracking for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell DMFC/Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy System,IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion,2012.3.1,3(27)561~571.
[19]Gatla Ranjith Kumar, Wei Chen, Guo-Rong Zhu, Dingjun Zeng, and Ramchander Nirudi. “Lifetime estimation of modular cascaded H-bridge MLPVI for grid-connected PV systems considering mission profile,” Microelectronics Reliability, 2018.
[20]Zhu, Guo-Rong,Xiao, Cheng-Yuan,Wang, Hao-Ran,Tan, Siew-Chong,Closed-loop waveform control of boost inverter,IET Power Electronics,2016.7.27,9(9):1808~1818.
[21]Wei, Xueliang, Guo-Rong Zhu, Lu, Jianghua,Xu, Xiaowei, Instantaneous current-sharing control scheme of multi-inverter modules in parallel based on virtual circulating impedance,IET Power Electronics,2016.4.20,9(5):960~968.
[22]Zhang, D. H. ,Guo-Rong Zhu,Bao, J.,Ma, Y.,He, S. J.,Qiu,.S.,Chen, W.,Research on Parameter Identification of Battery Model Based on Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience,2015.7.01,12(7):1362~1367.
[23]Wei, Xueliang, Guo-Rong Zhu, Lu, Jianghua,Li Wenjing , Improved Reactive Current Detection Method of SVG,Energies,2017,10(9):1374~1380.
[24]DH Zhang,Guo-Rong Zhu,SJ He,S Qiu,Y Ma, Balancing Control Strategy for Li-Ion Batteries String Based on Dynamic Balanced Point,Energies,2015.3.4,2015,8(3):1830~1847.
[25]Bo Li, Guorong Zhu, Jianghua Lu, Wenjing Li, Gatla Ranjith Kumar, and Jin Wang. “Output characteristics of LCC-S compensation network and its optimal parameters design in IPT system,” The Journal of Engineering, vol. 2017, no. 13, pp. 1576-1579, 2017.
[26]Gatla Ranjith Kumar, Guo-Rong Zhu, Jianghua Lu, Wei Chen, and Bo Li. “Thermal analysis and reliability evaluation of cascaded H-bridge MLPVI for grid-connected applications,” The Journal of Engineering, vol. 2017, no. 13, pp. 1595-1599, 2017.
[27]石琼林, 郭东旭, 杨耕, 朱国荣, 康健强.基于分数阶模型的磷酸铁锂电池负极特征区间确定方法[J].电工技术学报, 2020年.
[28]石琼林, 朱国荣, 陈雅, 康健强.基于负极主导区间的电池神经网络老化预测[J].电源技术, 2020年.
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[30]陆江华, 朱国荣, 黎文静, 李博和姜晶. 感应耦合能量传输系统中双边LCC谐振腔恒流和恒压模式的研究[J], 中国电机工程学报, 2019, 39(09): 2768-2778.
[31]朱国荣, 林鹏, 陆江华和李小坤. 无线能量传输系统双LCC谐振补偿电路研究[J], 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 45(5): 104-109
[34]刘璐,朱国荣,陈皓,罗昉, 三相四线制VIENNA整流器损耗分析与热设计,电工技术学报,2014.12.31,(S1):282~290.
[1] Xiaqing Weng, Guorong Zhu, Jing V. Wang and Jianqiang Kang," Parameter identification of electrochemical-thermal coupling model for large-capacity lithium-ion batteries based on neural network algorithm", 2021, in Proc. LNEE.
[2] Yihao Hu, Guorong Zhu, Jing V. Wang and Jianqiang Kang,"Consistency Screening of Lithium-ion Batteries Based on Improved FCM Algorithm", 2021,in Proc. LNEE.
[3] Y. Wu, B. Luo, J. Lu, D. Zhang, and G. Zhu“A Method for Realizing Variable Transconductance Constant Current Output of LCC-N Compensated IPT System”,2021, in Proc. LNEE.
[4] X. He, B. Luo, X. Deng, G. Zhu, G. Zhang, Q. Wang, "Research on Energy Management Strategy of Hybrid Energy Storage System for Electric Ship," 2021 5th IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2), 2021
[5] Z. Kong, Q. Wang, G. Zhu, H. Wang and H. Wang, "Design and Benchmark of Passive and Active Inductors for a 7.5 kW Motor Drive," 2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2021, pp. 4874-4879, doi: 10.1109/ECCE47101.2021.9595971.
[6] 曹宇珂,朱国荣,陆江华,庞牧野,向馗, 槽极组合对四足机器人关节电机性能影响研究, 第十五届中国智能机器人大会,杭州,2021.8.30
[7] S. Huang, H. Wang, D. Kumar, G. Zhu and H. Wang, "Reliability Evaluation of DC-link Capacitors in Multi-drive Systems," 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), USA, Accepted.
[8] M. Qi, S. Huang, C.Li, H. Wang, G. Zhu and H. Wang, "Design and Benchmark of Capacitive DC Links for the Hold-up Time Application," 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG), Xian,2019.
[9] Y. Shou, B. Luo, S. Xiong, G. Zhu, J. Lu and J. Wang, “Efficiency Analysis in IPT System Based on LCC Compensation Network,” 2019 IEEE 10th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2019-ECCE Asia), Taiwan.
[10]G. Ranjith Kumar, W. Chen, G. Zhu, J. Wang and K. Sainadh Singh, “Lifetime comparison of IGBT modules in Grid-Connected Multilevel Photovoltaic Inverters Considering Mission Profile,” 2019 IEEE 10th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2019-ECCE Asia) , Taiwan.
[11]S. Huang, S. Xiong, D. Zeng, L. Qu, L. Nie and G. Zhu, "Accurate Lifetime Predication of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Considering Equivalent Series Resistance Variations," 2018 IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition (PEAC), Shenzhen, 2018, pp. 1-5.
[12]Jianghua Lu, Guo-Rong Zhu, Wenjing Li, and Bo Li. “Load-Independent ZPA Conditions in Both Constant Current and Constant Voltage Modes of LCC-Series Compensated IPT System” in Proc. 2018 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Jun. 2018.
[13]Jianghua Lu,Guorong Zhu,Yatao Shou,Fei Liu,“Coupling- and Load-Independents Output Voltage and ZPA Operation in LCC-Series Compensated IPT System”,2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), USA, 2018.
[14]Jianghua Lu, Guo-Rong Zhu, Jin Jiang, Wenjing Li, and Bo Li. “Load-independent transconductance and ZPA input for symmetrical resonant converter in IPT system,” in Proc. 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Cincinnati, OH, USA, pp. 4393-4397, Oct. 2017.
[15]Wenjing Li, Jianghua Lu, Guo-Rong Zhu, and Wu Chen. “Impact of the wire tightness degree on circular pad with different coil size in IPT system," in Proc. 2017 IEEE 3rd International Future Energy Electronics Conference and ECCE Asia (IFEEC 2017 - ECCE Asia), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 2273-2278, Jul. 2017.
[16]Dingjun Zeng,Yuanxing Zhang,Taoyong Li,Mingxuan Qi,Erjie Qi,Guorong Zhu,Reliability Research of DC Charging Module,43nd Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society,IECON 2017,Beijing,2017.10.29-2017.11.01
[17]Erjie Qi,Mingxuan Qi,Dingjun Zeng,Haoran Wang,Guorong Zhu,Jing Zhang,Kan Zhong,System Reliability Evaluation Considering Parameter Variations of a Single-phase Inverter with Integrated Active Power Decoupling,43nd Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society,IECON 2017,Beijing,2017.10.29-2017.11.01
[18]Tang, Junchaojie,Wang, Haoran,Ma, Siyuan,Zhu, Guorong,Wang, Huai,Reliability Evaluation of a Single-phase H-bridge Inverter with Integrated Active Power Decoupling,42nd Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016,Florence,2016.10.24-2016.10.27
[19]Ma, Siyuan,Wang, Haoran,Tang, Junchaojie,Zhu, Guorong,Wang, Huai, Lifetime estimation of DC-link capacitors in a single-phase converter with an integrated active power decoupling module,42nd Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016,Florence,2016.10.24-2016.10.27
[20]Wang, Haoran,Wang, Huai,Zhu, Guorong, Blaabjerg, Frede, Cost assessment of three power decoupling methods in a single-phase power converter with a reliability-oriented design procedure,8th IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, IPEMC-ECCE Asia 2016,Hefei,2016.5.22-2016.5.26
[21]S. Ma, H. Wang, G. Zhu,H. Wang, Power loss analysis and comparision of DC and AC side decoupling module in a H-bridge inverter,International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia (ECCE Asia),Hefei,2016.05.22-2016.05.25
[22]Jianghua Lu, Peng Lin, Xiaokun Li, Guo-Rong Zhu, et al. “Research on seamless transfer from CC to CV modes for IPT EV charging system based on double-sided LCC compensation network,” in Proc. 2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Milwaukee, WI, USA, pp. 1-6, Sept. 2016.
[23]Jianghua Lu, Wenjing Li, Bo Li, and Guo-Rong Zhu. “Variable Compensation Network for Achieving Constant Current or Voltage Output in IPT System,” in Proc. 2016 International Conference on Industrial Informatics - Computing Technology, Intelligent Technology, Industrial Information Integration (ICIICII), Wuhan, China, pp. 14-17, Dec. 2016.
[24]Wenjing Li, Jianghua Lu, Guo-Rong Zhu, Wei Zhang, and Jin Jiang. “Design and research of a double-sided flux coupler in inductive power transfer system," in Proc. 2016 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Florence, Italy, pp. 6033-6037, Dec. 2016.
[25]Wang, Hao-Ran,Zhu, Guo-Rong,Fu, Xiao-Bin,Ma, Si-Yuan,Xie, Ming,Li, Xiao-Song,Jiang, Jing,An AC side-active power decoupling modular for single phase power converter,7th Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2015,Montreal, QC,2015.9.20-2015.9.24
[26]Wang, Haoran,Zhu, Guorong,Fu, Xiaobin,Ma, Siyuan,Wang, Huai, Waveform control method for mitigating harmonics of inverter systems with nonlinear load,41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2015,Yokohama,2015.11.9-2015.11.12
[27]Biao Liang,Guo-rong Zhu,Xiao-bin Fu,Wei-xing Liu,Hao-ran Wang ,Single-phase Bidirectional Bridge Topology without Electrolytic Capacitor at the DC Side,2014 IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition(IEEE PEAC' 2014),Shanghai,2014.11.5-2014.11.8
[28]Guo-Rong Zhu,Wei-xing Liu,Xiao-bin Fu,Biao Liang,Hao-ran Wang ,Neutral-Point Voltage Waveform Control Method for Mitigating the Low-Frequency Ripple Current in E-capless Full-Bridge Inverter,2014 IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition(IEEE PEAC' 2014),Shanghai,2014.11.5-2014.11.8
[29]Guo-Rong Zhu,Xiao, Cheng-Yuan,Wang, Hao-Ran,Chen, Wei,Tan, Siew-Chong,Dynamic characteristics of boost inverter with waveform control,29th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, APEC 2014,Fort Worth, TX,2014.3.16-2014.3.20
[30]Guo-Rong Zhu,Wang, H.R.,Xiao, C.Y.,Tan, Siew-Chong,Kang, Y.,Assessment of waveform control method for mitigation of low-frequency current ripple,28th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, APEC 2013,California,2013.3.17-2013.3.21
[31]Guo-Rong Zhu,Tan, Siew-Chong,Wang, Ke-Wei,Tse, Chi K.,Waveform Control of Fuel-cell Inverter Systems,IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE),North Carolina State,2012.9.15-2012.9.20
[32]Dong-hua Zhang,Guo-rong Zhu,Shi Qiu,Yan Ma,Wei Chen, Lithium-Ion Battery Cells Voltage Equalization Using Optimized Circuit Parameters and Control Strategy,2014 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC),Beijing,2013.10.15-2013.10.18
[33]Zhang, D.H.,Qiu, S.,Zhu, G.R.,Ma, Y.,Chen, W.,Wong, S.C., Balancing control strategy for li-ion batteries string based on dynamic balanced point,2013 9th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, IEEE VPPC 2013,Beijing,2013.10.15-2013.10.18
[34]Hao-ran Wang,Guo-rong Zhu,Dong-hua Zhang,Wei Chen,Yu Chen,On the practical design of a single-stage single-switch isolated PFC regulator based on sliding mode control,2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia, IPEMC 2012,Harbin,2012.6.2-2012.6.5