
2002-2006 华中科技大学 博士
2001-2002 烽火通信科技股份有限公司 工程师
2006-至今 武汉理工大学 副教授
(1) Zhiwu, Lu; Lukai, Mao; Wei, Zhou ; Xianglian, Xu.Research on STATCOM simulation of H bridge cascade multilevel inverter based on CPSSPWM control. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Electronics and Electrical Engineering,AUTEEE 2018. Shenyang, China.Nov.16-18, 2018.pp138-142. (EI检索20192407053546)
(2) 李佳亮,许湘莲. 核电阀门性能测试及维修决策支持系统设计[J].机电工程.2019,36(8):819-823,829.
(3) Mengqiang An, Xianglian Xu, Wei Lin, Lukai Mao, Chenhu Luo and Wei Zhou.Research on Mobile Online Microcomputer Anti-misoperation Locking System Based on NFC Technology. 4th Annual International Conference on Information System and Artificial Intelligence (ISAI2019), Changsha, Hunan, China. May 17 - 18, 2019.( EI检索20194107527104)
(4) An, Mengqiang ; Xu, Xianglian; Mao, Lukai; Luo, Chenhu; Zhou, Wei; Research and application of mobile online microcomputer anti-misoperation locking system based on ASP.NET web API framework. 16th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing, MobiSPC 2019,14th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications, FNC 2019, 9th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology, SEIT 2019. Halifax, NS, Canada. Aug.19- 21, 2019.pp 746-751 (EI检索20194607671496)
(5) Lukai mao, Xianglian Xu, Mengqiang An, Chenhu Luo and Wei Zhou. Design on Four-axis Aircraft Control System Based on Somatosensory Interaction. 2019 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials, Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation(AMIMA 2019), Zhuhai,China. May 17- 19, 2019. 042052:1-6(EI检索20193707419700)
(6) Chenhu Luo, Xianglian Xu, Mengqiang An, Lukai Mao, Wei Zhou. Research and Design of Data Acquisition and Processing Algorithm Based on Improved FFT. The 31th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2019 CCDC),Nanchang, China, June 3 - 5, 2019,pp1599-1604. (EI检索20194207533663)
(7) Wenhao Zhang, Xianglian Xu, Sunong Yao and Muyao Deng. Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter. the 2nd annual International Conference on Cloud Technology and Communication Engineering[CTCE2018] August 17-19, 2018,Nanjing, Jiangsu, China pp429-435(ISSN17578981)( EI检索20190306399368)
(8) Wenhao Zhang, Xianglian Xu, Sunong Yao, Muyao Deng; Research on Photovoltaic Power Generation and Diode Clamped Three-Phase Three-Level Inverter. 2018 4th International Conference on Environmental Science and Material Application (ESMA 2018). Dec.15-16,2018,Xi’an,Shanxi,China.pp1275-1281(ISSN17551307)(EI检索20193307306382)
(9) Mao, Zewei; Xu, Xianglian; Li, Jialiang; Yu, Shiwen; Geng, Hao. Simulation Research of Offshore Wind Farm VSC-HVDC Three-Level Converters for Grid Integration. 9th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies, (ANT 2018), Porto, Indonesia ,May 8-11, pp 1146-1151 (EI检索20183305686267) E-ISSN: 18770509
(10) Yifan Hang , Xianglian Xu. Research on Fault Diagnosis of Distribution Card
in Electrical System Based on PSPICE. 10th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2018), Guilin, China, April 20-22, pp378-387(ISBN: 9781605955469)
(11) Jialiang Li, Xianglian Xu and Zewei Mao. A Portable Energy Efficiency Monitoring Device
Based on FPGA and Dual DSPs. 10th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2018),Guilin,China,April 20-22, pp658-667
(12) Wang, Yuchen; Xu, Xianglian; Lu, Zhiwu; Li, Jialiang; Wang, Jianchao. The EMC design of electromagnetic environment monitor with three-dimensional high accuracy. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2016, Singapore, Singapore. Nov. 22-25, 2016,pp893-897 (EI检索20171203468041)
(13) Gang HUANG, Xianglian XU, Qiangqiang YIN, Kai ZHANG. A Mobile Power Quality Monitoring Terminal Based on DSP and ARM. 2016 3rd International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE 2016), Beijing, China, July 8-10, 2016,pp1208-1212. (EI检索20165003107084)
(14) Yinghui Li, Qingning Wang, Donghui Zhang, Xiangde Sun, Yang Shen, Xianglian Xu. Research and Application of Electricity Anti-stealing System Based on Neural Network. 2016 3rd International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE 2016), Beijing, China, July 8-10, 2016,pp1039-1043. (EI检索20165003106697)
(15) Qingning Wang, Xianglian Xu, Gang Huang, Qiangqiang Yin, Yuchen Wang, Kai Zhang. Linux QT based configuration Software Development for Mobile Electric Energy Efficiency Detection System. The 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2016 CCDC),Yinchuan, China, May 28 – 30, 2016,pp802-806(EI检索20163602765073)
(16) Qiangqiang Yin, Xianglian Xu, Gang Huang, Yuchen Wang, Kai Zhang, Qingning Wang. The Application of FFT in Mobile Energy Efficiency Detection Terminal and the Implementation by DSP. The 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2016 CCDC),Yinchuan, China, May 28 – 30, 2016,pp2036-2040(EI检索20163602765145)
(17) Ting Liu, Xianglian Xu, Tiao Liu, Qiangqiang Yin and Yuchen Wang. Study of Diagnosis Fault Simulation Method Based on the Navigation Control Card[C]. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA2015). Lijiang, Yunnan, China. August 8-10, 2015. pp. 2649 – 2653.(EI检索20161102092654)
(18) Tiao Liu, Xianglian Xu, Xiaoqian Tang, Ting Liu and Gang Huang. Design of the Crane Anti-collision Alarming System Based on Electric Field Measurement[C]. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA2015). Lijiang, Yunnan, China. August 8-10, 2015. pp. 2755 – 2759.(EI检索20161102092702)
(19) Ting Liu, Xianglian Xu, Tiao Liu, Qiangqiang Yin and Xiaoqian Tang. Study of Fault Diagnosis Method Based On the Hybrid Circuit Simulation[C]. The 3rd International Conference on Systems Control Simulation and Modeling (ICSCSM2015). Qingdao, Shandong, China. July 11-12, 2015. pp. 802-806.
(20) Tiao Liu, Xianglian Xu, Ting Liu, Gang Huang and Yuchen Wang. Design and Research of the Crane Anti-collision Alarming Device against HV Transmission Wires[C]. The 3rd International Conference on Systems Control Simulation and Modeling (ICSCSM2015). Qingdao, Shandong, China. July 11-12, 2015. pp. 793-796.
(21) Tang Gang, Xu Xianglian, Xu Pingting, Liu Ting.Research on the Modeling and Simulation of Multi-axial Drag Lifting Work System Using the Distributed Net Modeling Approach,The 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2014 CCDC),Changsha, China,May 31 – June 2, 2014,pp3402-3406(EI 检索20143218039616)
(22) Nie, Qi; Xu, Xianglian ; Liu, Tiao; Liu, Ting; Zhu, Junyang.A new ZVS bidirectional DC-DC converter.2014 IEEE Workshop on Electronics, Computer and Applications, IWECA 2014,Ottawa, Canada,May 8, 2014 - May 9, 2014,pp244-249(EI检索20143017987122)
(23) Xianglian Xu, Pingting Xu, Gang Tang, Zilin Tang, Diankuan Ding. FPGA Based Multiplex PWM Generator for Diode-clamped Cascaded Inverter in the Direct-driven Wind Power System. 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia(IPEMC2012),June,2012,Harbin,China,pp1268-1272(EI检索20124015497055)
(24) Xianglian Xu, Zilin Tang, Pingting Xu, Gang Tang, Zhiqiang Li. Multilevel Inverter Based On CPS-SPWM For Direct-Drive Wind Power System. The Second International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering (ICEICE2012),April,2012, Lushan , China.
(25) Xianglian Xu, Pingting Xu, Zilin Tang, Gang Tang, Xiaole Ye. The Application of Diode-clamped Cascaded Inverter in the Direct-Driven Wind Power System. The Second International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering (ICEICE2012), April,2012, Lushan , China.
(26) Xianglian Xu, Gang Tang, Pingting Xu, Ziling Tang, Xiaole Ye. Research on the Application of Two Cascaded Multilevel Inverter on Direct-Drive Wind Power System. The 2nd International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering (ICETCE 2012), May,2012,Three Gorges, Hubei, China.pp1779-1782
(27) Xianglian Xu, Shunjie Li, Jian Chen, Liang Yu, Ka Hu. Simulation Research of STATCOM Based on Controlled Reactor. Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks(CECNET 2011),Xianning,China,2593-2596 (EI检索20112414059942)
(28) Fang Yuan, Xianglian Xu, Jian Chen, Shunjie Li, Ka Hu, Liang Yu. Photovoltaic Generation Grid-connected System Based on DSP and FPGA Control. Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks(CECNET 2011),Xianning,China,2413-2416 (EI检索20112414060820)
(29) Jian Chen, Xianglian Xu, Shunjie Li, Ka Hu, Liang Yu. Implementation of Grid-Connected ascaded Multi-Level Inverter Based on FPGA for Centralized Photovoltaic Generation. 2010 International Conference on Energy Sources and Smart Grids Development(ESSG 2010),Jilin, China,151-155
(30) Xu Xianglian; Chen Jian; Li Shunjie; Hu Ka; Yu Liang;FPGA Implementation of CPS-SPWM for Grid Connected Photovoltaic System ,Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2011 Asia-Pacific. Wuhan , Page(s): 1 - 4 (EI检索20112013978990)
(31) Xianglian Xu ,Qing Zhang,Qian Cheng,Youxin Yuan,Yiping Xiao. “An Auto-disturbance Rejection Controller for STATCOM Based on Cascaded Multilevel Inverters”, 2009 IEEE 6th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2009), Wuhan, China, DS11.4, 2349-2353,(EI检索20101712873909)
(32) 许湘莲,邹云屏,郭江,基于自抗扰控制器的级联多电平STATCOM控制系统,中国电机工程学报,2007,27(31):40-44(EI收录20074910962787)
(33) 许湘莲,郭江,黄辉,等,基于MAS 的电厂优化检修决策支持系统研究与实现,武汉大学学报(工学版)2007,40(4):94-99
(34) 许湘莲,郭江,肖志怀,曾洪涛,基于本体的电厂维护领域知识表达方法研究,水电能源科学,2007,25(4):139-143
(35) Xianglian Xu, Yunping Zou, Kai Ding, and Fei Liu,“Cascade multilevel inverter with Phase-Shift SPWM and its application in STATCOM”, The 30th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE IECON’04, Busan, Korea.TC1-3, 1139~1144 (EI收录2005269184077)
(36) Xianglian XU, Yunping ZOU, Kai DING and Fei LIU,“A STATCOM Based on Cascade Multilevel Inverter with Phase-shift SPWM ”,2004 International Conference on Power System Technology ,IEEE ,POWERCON2004, Singapore, Nanyang, TB4.2, 145~149 (EI收录2005269178269)
(37) 许湘莲,邹云屏,丁凯,王成智,金红元,“基于相移级联多电平逆变器的STATCOM研究”,高电压技术,2005, 31(6):59~62 (EI收录2005369347459)
(38) 许湘莲,邹云屏,丁凯,等. 级联多电平逆变器在STATCOM的应用研究,武汉大学学报(工学版),2005,38(4):34~39
(39) XU Xiang-lian, ZOU Yun-ping, DING Kai. Etc. “Research on cascaded multilevel inverter and its application in STATCOM”, Frontiers of Electrical and electronic Engineering in China,2006,1(4):390-395
(40) 许湘莲,黄声华,邹云屏.带辅助电路的移相全桥零电压零电流PWM变换器.2003台达电力电子新技术研讨会论文集, 2003年10月22日-10月25日,中国杭州,pp:335~338