









  张立炎博士现任武汉理工大学自动化学院教授、博导。IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics、IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics、Journal of Power Sources等杂志审稿专家。2004年3月毕业于浙江大学,获工学博士学位;毕业后到武汉理工大学工作,2004年被聘为副教授, 2011年晋升教授,2017年遴选为博士生导师。2005年至2008年在武汉理工大学复合材料新技术国家重点实验室从事博士后工作;2009年12月至2010年11月赴美国北卡州立大学美国自然科学基金委FREEDM中心做访问学者。十多年来一直从事新能源领域的检测、控制、电力变换等研究工作。出版学术专著1本,在IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics、IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics、Journal of Power Sources、电子学报等国内外期刊上发表论文100多篇,其中SCI检索60多篇。主持国家重点计划项目课题2项、国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。获专利授权80多项,其中发明专利授权50多项。




  (1)多机燃料电池系统状态监测与协同控制,国家重点研发计划课题(2023YFB4005602),负责人,2023.12- 2026.11.

  (2)基于时间特征阻抗的车载燃料电池健康管控方法研究,国家自然科学基金项目(NO. 62273265),负责人,2023.1-2026.12.


  (4)车载多模块燃料电池系统面向耐久性的功率切换轨迹最优控制研究,国家自然科学基金项目(NO. 61673306),负责人,2017.1-2020.12.

 (5)车用燃料电池电化学阻抗谱在线检测与健康管理,武汉市科技攻关项目(NO. 2016010101010029),负责人,2016.1-2018.12.












  [1] Zhou Z, Fu Z, Zhang Liyan, et al. Multi-objective optimization for low hydrogen consumption and long useful life in fuel cell emergency power supply systems[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 68: 297-310. (SCI, Q1, IF: 8.1)

  [2] Li J, Zhang Liyan, Wu X, Zhou Z, Chen Q. Adaptive Tube Based Model Predictive Control for the Receiving-Side DC-DC of Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer System[J]. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2024, DOI 10.1109/JESTPE. 2024.3414837. (SCI, Q1, Top, IF: 4.6)

  [3] Li J, Zhang Liyan, Wu X, et al. Current Estimation and Optimal Control in Multi-Phase DC-DC Converters with Single Current Sensor[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024, 73: 9003414. (SCI, Q1, Top, IF: 5.6)

  [4] Chen J, Zhang Liyan, Chen Q, et al. High Precision and Robust Vehicle Localization Algorithm with Visual-LiDAR-IMU Fusion[J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2024, DOI 10.1109/TVT.2024.3379435. (SCI, Q1, Top, IF: 6.1)

  [5] Dai Y, Liyan Zhang, Xu D, et al. Development of Deep Learning-Based Cooperative Fault Diagnosis Method for Multi-PMSM Drive System in 4WID-EVsr[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024,73: 3506513. (SCI, Q1, Top, IF: 5.6)

  [6] Dai Y, Zhang Liyan, Xu D, et al. Fixed-time anti-disturbance constraint fuzzy synchronization control for PMSM based four-wheel-independent-drive EVs[J]. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2024, 361(11): 106858. (SCI, Q1, IF: 3.7)

  [7] Li H, Chen Q, Zhang Liyan, et al. Degradation prediction of proton exchange membrane fuel cell based on the multi-inputs Bi-directional long short-term memory[J]. Applied Energy, 2023, 344(2): 121294. (SCI, Q1, Top, IF: 10.1)

  [8] Chen J, Zhang Liyan, Chen Q,et al. Map Aided Visual-Inertial Fusion Localization Method for Autonomous Driving Vehicles[J]. Measurement, 2023, 221: 113432. (SCI, Q1, Top, IF: 5.2)

  [9] Zhou Z, Liu Z, Su H, Zhang Liyan. Optimal Operation for Cross-Period Scheduling of Electric Vehicles in Traffic-Power Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2023, DOI 10.1109/TTE.2023.3340736. (SCI, Q1, Top, IF: 7.2)

  [10] Zhou Z, Liu Z, Su H, Zhang Liyan. Multi-objective optimization for 10-kW rated power dynamic wireless charging systems of electric vehicles[J]. Science China Information Sciences, 2022, 65(10):202201. (SCI, Q1, IF: 7.3)

  [11] Zhou Z, Liu Z, Su H, Zhang Liyan. Planning of static and dynamic charging facilities for electric vehicles in electrified transportation networks[J]. Energy, 2022, 263: 126073.(SCI, Q1, Top, IF: 9)

  [12] Chen J, Zhang Liyan, Chen Q, et al. A review of visual SLAM methods for autonomous driving vehicles[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2022, 114:104992. (SCI, Q1, Top, IF: 7.5)

  [13] Dai Y, Zhang Liyan, Yan K, et al. An Integrated Cooperative Control Strategy for EVs Accessed Community Uninterruptible Power System[J].  IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2023, 6(3): 2482-2493. (SCI, Q1, IF: 14)

  [14] Dai Y, Zhang Liyan, Xu D, et al. Anti-Disturbance Cooperative Fuzzy Tracking Control of Multi-PMSMs Low-Speed Urban Rail Traction Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2022, 8(1): 1040-1052.(SCI, Q1, Top, IF: 7.2)

  [15] Zhou Z, Liu Z, Su H, Zhang Liyan. Integrated pricing strategy for coordinating load levels in coupled power and transportation networks[J]. 2022, Applied Energy, 307: 118100. (SCI, Q1, Top, IF: 10.1)

  [16] Liu J, Liu Z, Chen W, Su H, Zhang Liyan. Current Sharing Based on Incremental Passivity and Unknown Load Finite Time Estimation for Multilevel Connected DC-DC Converters[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, 69(1): 713-724. (SCI, Q1, Top, IF: 7.5)

  [17] 专著:张立炎,全书海著. 燃料电池系统建模与控制.北京:电子工业出版社,2011.

  [18] 张立炎, 吴俊, 陈启宏,等. 盲区小的燃料电池并网系统孤岛检测方法[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2017, 41(6):98-104. (EI)

  [19] 张立炎, 向馗, 龙容,等. 基于ESN的非线性系统未建模动态补偿及控制[J]. 电子学报, 2016, 44(1):60-66. (EI)




  [1] 张立炎;汤博兰;陈启宏. 基于电池老化的混合动力汽车的能量输出管理方法, ZL 2022 1 1088415.X, 授权时间2024年08月9日.

  [2] 张立炎;杨张谊;陈启宏等. 一种多永磁同步电机列车牵引系统的协同控制器及方法, ZL 2022 1 0835276.6, 授权时间2024年08月20日.

  [3] 张立炎;周泽;陈启宏等. 动态无线电能传输系统及其预测控制方法, ZL201810203046.1,     授权时间2022-05-03.

  [4] 张立炎;熊维康;陈凯风等. 一种进阶采样一致性图像匹配方法, ZL202010251972.3, 授权时间2022-06-28.

  [5] 张立炎;汪涛;全书海;陈启宏等. 混合动力燃料电池汽车仿真控制方法及系统, ZL201910015834.2, 授权时间2022-03-29.

  [6] 张立炎;孙照帅;陈启宏等. 动态无线能量传输电路系统及其原边多线圈实时切换方法, ZL201810203041.9, 授权时间2022-03-25.

  [7] 张立炎;陈文杰;刘佳;陈启宏等. 用于AGV的无线电能传输系统及其控制方法, ZL201810203048.0, 授权时间2022-03-18.

  [8] 张立炎;李昶;陈启宏等.磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输装置, ZL202221770362.5, 授权时间2022-12-16.

  [9] 张立炎;王昱人;陈启宏等. 动态无线充电能量发射端一带多控制系统, ZL202221875928.0, 授权时间2023-02-21.

  [10] 张立炎;陈文杰;章子祎;陈启宏等. 智能双向动态无线充电系统及方法, ZL201911283790.8, 授权时间2021-07-06.

  [11] 张立炎;张浩然;章子祎;陈启宏等. 基于随机负载的燃料电池混合动力系统及其控制方法, ZL201911394151.9, 授权时间2021-03-19.

  [12] 张立炎;马志伟;陈凯风;陈启宏等. 全桥LLC直流充电装置及其设计方法, ZL202010182427.3, 授权时间2021-03-09.

  [13] 张立炎;陈文杰;章子祎;陈启宏等. 低压大电流无线充电系统及方法, ZL201911283835.1, 授权时间2021-03-09.