职务: 武汉理工大学自动化学院院长
教育经历: 博士(新加坡南洋理工大学,1998-2001)
国际上重复控制及其在电力电子变流应用领域的研究开拓者和领先者,建立了基于内模原理的广义积分控制理论体系,在电力电子变换器建模与调制、风光发电并网消纳以及测绘用电子水准仪的研发等方面均有建树。曾先后主持和参加国家自然科学基金项目5项、863计划课题1项、英国EPSRC研究课题1项、其他项目10余项;发表学术专著1部,高水平SCI论文84篇,SCI总被引4100余次(其中单篇高达672次),已获授权的发明专利10余件;2021-2024连续入选爱思唯尔“中国高被引学者”榜单和全球前2%顶尖科学家“终身科学影响力榜单”;获授权发明专利20余件;受邀在IEEE APEC’2015、IECON’2017等旗舰会议上作专题讲座。
[1] 广义积分控制理论及其在电力电子系统中的应用
[2] 新型电力系统宽频振荡检测与抑制关键技术
[3] 大型水轮发电机组调速与励磁关键技术
[1] Zhou K., Wang D., Yang Y., and Blaabjerg F. Periodic Control of Power Electronic Converters,IET, 2017 (专著)
[2] K. Zhou , C. Tang, Y. Chen, B. Zhang, W. Lu. (2023) A generic multi-frequency repetitive control scheme for power converters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 70(12):12680-12688.
[3] Y. Chen, K. Zhou, C. Tang, Y. Shu, Y. Yang. (2022) Fractional-Order Multi-Periodic Odd Harmonic Repetitive Control of Programmable AC Power Sources. IEEE Trans. Power Electronics. 37(7):751-7758, 2022
[4] C. Tang, K. Zhou, Y. Shu, Q. He, Q. Chen. (2022) Analysis and Design of Multiple Resonant Current Control for Grid-Connected Converters. IEEE J. of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 10(2):2539-2546.
[5] Yuan Q., Zhou K., Yao J. (2020) A New Measure of Wind Power Variability with Implications for the Optimal Sizing of Standalone Wind Power Systems. Renewable Energy.
[6] Yang, Y., Zhou, K., and Blaabjerg, F. (2016) Current harmonics from single-phase grid-connected inverters – examination and suppression. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 4(1):221-233.
[7] Zou Z., Zhou K., Wang Z., Cheng M.. (2015), Frequency adaptive fractional order repetitive control of shunt active power filters, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, 62(3): 1659-1668.
[8] Yang Y., Zhou K., Wang H., Blaabjerg F., Wang D., Zhang B. (2015), Frequency adaptive selective harmonic control for grid-connected inverters, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, 30(7), 3912-3924.
[9] Zhu W., Zhou K., Cheng M. (2014) A bidirectional high-frequency-link single-phase inverter: modulation, modeling, and control, IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, 29(8): 4049-4057.
[10] Lu W., Zhou K., Wang D., and Cheng M. (2014) A Generic Digital nk±m order harmonic repetitive control scheme for PWM converters, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, 61(3):1516-1527.
[11] Yang Y., Zhou K., and Cheng M. (2013) Phase Compensation Multi-Resonant Control of CVCF PWM Converters, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, 28(8): 3923-3930.
[12] Lu W., Zhou K and Wang D. (2013) General Parallel Structure Digital Repetitive Control. International Journal of Control, 86(1): 70-83, 2013.
[13] Zhang B., Wang D., Zhou K., and Wang Y. (2008) Linear phase lead compensation repetitive control of a CVCF PWM inverter. IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, 55(4): 1595-1602.
[14] Zhou, K., Ferreira, J.A. and de Haan, S.W.H. (2008) Optimal energy management strategy and system sizing method for standalone photovoltaic hydrogen systems. International J. of Hydrogen Energy, 33(2): 477-489.
[15] Zhou, K., Wang, D., Zhang, B., Wang, Y., Ferreira, J.A. and de Haan, S.W.H. (2007) Dual mode Structure digital repetitive control. Automatica 43(3): 546-554.
[16] Zhou, K., Low, K.S., Wang, D., Luo, FL., Zhang, B. and Wang, Y. (2006) Zero-Phase Odd Harmonic Repetitive Controller for a Single-Phase PWM Inverter. IEEE Trans. Power Electronics 21(1): 193-201.
[17] Zhou, K. and Wang, D. (2003) Digital Repetitive Controlled three-phase PWM Rectifier. IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics 18(1): 309-316.
[18] Zhou, K. and Wang, D. (2002) Relationship between Space vector Modulation and Three-phase Carrier-based PWM: A Comprehensive Analysis. IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics 49(1): 186196.
[19] Zhou, K. and Wang, D. (2001) Digital repetitive learning controller for three-phase CVCF PWM inverters. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electronics, 48(4):820-830.