田 猛
主持国家自然科学基金2项,湖北省重点研发计划1项,另外主持参与多项横向项目;在国际期刊共发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI论文40篇/EI论文20篇;授权发明专利10项;担任IEC TC42国内镜像工作组专家,参与起草国际标准IEC 63405及国家标准;担任英文期刊《Clean Energy Science and Technology》青年编委和中文EI期刊《电力系统保护与控制》青年助理编辑,同时担任多个国际学术会议分论坛主席。获湖北省科学技术进步奖三等奖1项,中国南方电网公司专利奖三等奖1项。
2017.11~2018.11,美国Southern Methodist University,访问学者,合作导师:Jianhui Wang 教授(IEEE Fellow)
7、2017.1~2018.12,电力CPS连锁故障模型及虚假数据攻击研究, 2042017kf0037,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(武汉大学青年教师资助项目),主持
[1] Zhengcheng Dong, Meng Tian*, Mian Tang, Jiaqi Liang. Power generation allocation of cyber–physical power systems from a defense–attack–defense perspective[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2024, 156: 109690.
[2] Meng Tian, Zhengcheng Dong∗, Li Gong, Xianpei Wang. Line Hardening Strategies for Resilient Power Systems Considering Cyber-topology Interdependence[J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2024, 241: 109644.
[3] Meng Tian, Zhengcheng. Dong*, Li. Gong and Xianpei. Wang, Coordinated repair crew dispatch problem for cyber-physical distribution system[J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2023, 14(3): 2288-2300.
[4] Meng Tian, Zhengcheng Dong*, Xianpei Wang. Reinforcement learning approach for robustness analysis of complex networks with incomplete information[J], Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2021. 144:110643.
[5] Zhengcheng Dong, Meng Tian*, Xin Li, Jingang Lai, Ruoli Tang. Mitigating cascading failures of spatially embedded cyber-physical power systems by adding additional information links[J]. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2022, 225:108559.
[6] Bowen Li, Weixia Zhang, Meng Tian*, Guangtao Zhai, Xianpei Wang. Blindly Assess Quality of In-the-Wild Videos via Quality-aware Pre-training and Motion Perception[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2022, 32(9).
[7] Hongtai Yao, Xianpei Wang, Le Zhao, Meng Tian*, Zini Jian, Li Gong, Bowen Li. An Object-Based Markov Random Field with Partition-Global Alternately Updated for Semantic Segmentation of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image[J]. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14, 127.
[8] Zhengcheng Dong; Meng Tian*. Modeling and vulnerability analysis of spatially embedded heterogeneous cyber-physical systems with functional dependency[J]. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2021, 8(4) 3404-3416.
[9] Meng Tian, Zhengcheng Dong*, Xianpei Wang. Analysis of false data injection attacks in power systems: a dynamic bayesian game-theoretic approach[J], ISA Transactions, 2021, 115: 108-123.
[10] Zhengcheng Dong; Meng Tian*; Ruoli Tang; Xin Li; Jingang Lai. Improving the robustness of spatial networks by link addition: more and dispersed links perform better[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020(6794).
[11] Zhengcheng Dong, Meng Tian*, Li Ding. A framework for modeling and structural vulnerability analysis of spatial cyber-physical power systems from an attack-defense perspective[J]. IEEE Systems Journal, 2021, 15(1): 1369 - 1380.
[12] Meng Tian, Zhengcheng Dong, Mingjian Cui, Jianhui Wang, Xianpei Wang, Le Zhao. Energy-supported cascading failure model on interdependent networks considering control nodes[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2019, 522:195-204.
[13] Wenyu Wang, Zhengqing Dai, Jiahao Rao, Meng Tian*. Human Operating Risk Assessment for Outdoor Terminal Box of Electric Power[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2022, 126(3): 2303-2319.
[14] Zhengcheng Dong, Meng Tian*. Allocating defense and recovery resources for spatial networks against cascading failures [J]. Complexity, 2022: 3108327.
[15] Bowen Li, Meng Tian*, Weixia Zhang, Hongtai Yao, Xianpei Wang. Learning to predict the quality of distorted-then-compressed images via a deep neural network[J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2021:103004.
[16] Meng Tian, Mingjian Cui*, Zhengcheng Dong, Xianpei Wang, Shengfei Yin, Le Zhao. Multilevel programming-based coordinated cyber physical attacks and countermeasures in smart grid[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 6: 9836- 9847.
[17] Meng Tian, Xianpei Wang, Zhengcheng Dong, Guowei Zhu, Jiachuang Long, Dangdang Dai, Qilin Zhang. Cascading failures in interdependent modular networks with partial random coupling preference [J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2017, 31(29) 1750267.
[18] Meng Tian, Xianpei Wang, Zhengcheng Dong, Guowei Zhu, Jiachuang Long, Dangdang Dai, Qilin Zhang. Cascading failures of interdependent modular scale-free networks with different coupling preferences[J]. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2015, 111(1): 18007.
[19] 李晓旭,田猛*, 朱紫阳, 董政呈, 龚立,郑涵, 王先培. 基于鲁棒强化学习的配网潮流优化方法[J].高电压技术, 2023,49(06):2329-2339.
[20] 田猛,董政呈*,龚立,姚鸿泰,胡涤尘,王先培.考虑控制系统-发电机信息物理耦合的脆弱输电线路辨识[J].电力系统自动化, 2021, 45(11):11-18.
[21] 赵乐,王先培,姚鸿泰,田猛*,龚立.基于局部上下文信息的电力线提取算法[J].高电压技术,2021,47(07):2553-2566.
[22] 李博文,田猛*,张维夏,王先培.基于多层级信息稀疏表征的盲图像质量评价[J].华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2021,49(08):40-45.
[23] 田猛, 董政呈*, 王先培, 赵乐. 简子倪. 目标冲突下电力信息物理协同攻击分析[J]. 电网技术, 2019,43(07):2336-2344.
[24] 朱国威,贺瑞娟,田猛*,代荡荡,彭祥礼,袁慧,王先培.考虑路由策略的电力CPS连锁故障建模及分析[J].电网技术,2018,42(10):3145-3152.
[25] 田猛, 王先培,董政呈,朱国威,代荡荡,赵乐. 基于拉格朗日乘子法的虚假数据攻击策略[J].电力系统自动化,2017,41(11):26-32.
[26] 王先培,朱国威,贺瑞娟,田猛*,董政呈,代荡荡,龙嘉川,赵乐,张其林. 复杂网络理论在电力CPS连锁故障研究中的应用综述[J]. 电网技术,2017,41(09):2947-2956.
[27] 王昕,田猛*,赵艳峰,等. 一种基于状态估计的新型窃电方法及对策研究[J]. 电力系统保护与控制,2016,23:141-146.
[28] 王先培,田猛,董政呈,朱国威,龙嘉川,代荡荡,张其林. 输电网虚假数据攻击研究综述[J]. 电网技术,2016,11:3406-3414.
[29] 王先培,田猛*,董政呈,龙嘉川,代荡荡,朱国威. 通信光缆故障对电力网连锁故障的影响[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2015, 39(13): 58-62.